About Us

Children’s Law Center of Central North Carolina provides children with quality legal advocacy focusing on domestic violence issues, high conflict custody cases, and the rights of children in public education.


To increase children’s potential to become emotionally healthy adults through fostering their sense of hope and empowerment


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Statement of Racial Allyship

Children’s Law Center is committed to being consciously intentional in addressing the impact of institutional racism on our clients and their families, our staff and volunteers, our partners, and our community; actively listening and using our collective voice to engage in breaking down systems of oppression and that don’t support equitable outcomes.

We firmly stand for justice and equality and affirm wholeheartedly that Black Lives Matter. CLC’s guiding principle is to advocate for the best interests of children. We serve all children in our community regardless of race, socio-economic status, gender, or disability.   

Systemic racism is detrimental to the lives of Black children. In our cases dealing with family violence and conflict, we help children who live in fear of saying or doing the “wrong thing” in the perception of an abuser. When our young Black clients leave home, they are often followed by another intense, seemingly endless, unprovoked threat of violence in the community. 

We identify living with systemic racism as an additional adverse childhood experience. Alongside domestic violence and other factors in the home, systemic racism stays with a child for the rest of their life and severely impacts their health into adulthood.  Our goal is to ensure that we consistently identify the injustices Black children face on a day-to-day basis and bring them hope. In us, they will find an ally, a friend, and an advocate who will never stay silent when their lives, their values, and their dreams are at stake. 


Children’s Law Center is dedicated to being better. Justice is not an achievement. It is a practice. We have identified some initial measures that CLC can put into practice as we change, grow, and commit to engaging in difficult conversations.   


  • We have a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee comprised of members of the Board, staff, and community. We seek to actively engage and partner with Black-led and/or Black-owned organizations, businesses, and firms. 

  • We invite you to join with us as we work to vigorously challenge ideas, practices or the use of power that condone racial prejudice in any form.  

  • We welcome questions from children who have experienced systemic racism and commit to continuously educating ourselves so that we may better serve you.  We will not stop zealously and boldly raising our voices so that your voices are heard.